Vinny's Secret

As a teenager, I often ventured into places I "wasn't" suppose to go into. Like recently, I was at a party of mom's friend Krissy. I was behind the house, because nobody would play with me, I didn't care.
Until, I saw Vinny - Krissy's Husband - taking some garbage bags out of the garage. I was curious, and peaked for the laughs. It looked if something was moving in them, as if it wanted to escape.
I was confused, and peaked again; Vinny was gone.
As I was about to walk out, I saw him exiting the back-door. I quickly ran away, so Vinny couldn't see me. He looked, saw nothing, and shrugged it off, then went back inside; up the stairs. I followed him...stupid, I know. But I was curious, and wanted to know about the moving bags.
What I saw, when I reached the kitchen, was horrible. I know Vinny hates the way Michael and others misbehaved, but this was unruly horrible. The kids had been cut-open, their organs spilled out, and their intestines hanged around their necks. Shocked, I ran to the door, and saw something even worse. It was Michela - my crush - hanged with her vocal-cords. She was completely exposed, save for underwear.
Vinny had gone mad. Why would he do this to my friends? He's gotta be exposed, for this massacre. I exited the kitchen, and onto the bedroom, hoping to get to the bottom of this! This time, I saw Patrick - Michael's brother - being chopped to pieces by Vinny, who had a look of malice on his face.
"This is what you get, you little bitch." He hollered, obviously drunk, while trembling a beer bottle he used to smack the poor toddler.
I ran back in fear, but I couldn't of sworn I saw Katy and her boyfriend hanged with nails, with their organs chopped up on a table. Suddenly, I bumped into mom; who was drunk at the time. "Hey son, Vinny's cooking meat for us!" She said, with a voice of stupidness, holding a beer bottle of Budwiser. "Have you seen Michela? I haven't seen her since she went with Vinny." I knew Michela was murdered by Vinny, but replied with, "Nope, haven't seen her either." to calm the questions.
I went back upstairs, and saw Vinny. He was trembling Katy's boyfriend's head, "Want some meat, Gary?" He asked, still drunk. "It's fresh..." He moaned, I kindly said 'no' and ran away to mom. I couldn't of asked why it was her boyfriend's head, but I was shitting my pants at the moment.
And then, I told mom, and she took me home - but still, didn't believe me, thinking it was a fever dream, but it wasn't. And this is where my story ends, I hoped you enjoyed this, as Vinny is planning for YOU to be his next victim, as he was divorced a couple days ago.